College Finals Week Coming Soon? Follow These Study Tips!

Finals week is a time of great anxiety for many students, and that can make people panic. These study tips will help you keep calm and study effectively for your tests. Create a List of Study Goals and a Schedule Create a list of study goals to give yourself direction, narrow your focus and make time management easier. Go over all materials for each class—including notes and relevant topics that the instructor has identified—and make list of your weaknesses. Read More 

3 Must-Have School Supplies For A Preschool

They key to keeping preschool age children happy and entertained while at preschool is to keep them busy with activities that they will enjoy. You can find several different activities that will keep them busy, while allowing them to learn at the same time. You can also include activities that will let them play and socialize with the other children, because this is a very important part of preschool as well. Read More